Editorial Guidelines

Get to Know Us

Julie has devoted her life to Love, Language and Adventure. She has published more than thirty romance novels and novellas. She is Professor of Linguistics at Duke University. And she is a seasoned traveler, having lived abroad in France, Romania and Vietnam and taken five around-the-world trips in the last ten years.

Join Our Readers

Romance readers, writers at all stages of their career, students of language, and travel buffs find a wealth of entertainment and information at Julie’s website.

Join Our Guest Bloggers – We Welcome:
  • Romance Novelists – of all ages and stages of their career!
  • Other Types of Authors/Writers
  • Editors and Proofreaders
  • Publishers
  • Book Cover Designers
  • Professional Linguists
  • Book Marketers
  • Amazon Specialists
  • Booksellers
  • Book Bloggers
  • Travel and Language Bloggers
Please Send Us:
  • Informational articles and entertaining articles about writing, romance, travel, and language
  • Personal interviews with creative professionals
  • Original podcasts and videos about the same topics
Please Don’t Send Us:
  • Press releases
  • Syndicated or unoriginal posts
  • Articles that promote anything other than your own books, blog, or professional services
  • Content that is off topic from the focus of Julie’s blog (writing/publishing, romance, language, travel)
Your Guest Blog:

Julie is always looking for articles that are educational or entertaining – and preferably both! – with a personal touch. Her tips:

  • Write in first person as much as possible
  • Think in terms of 500 – 1000 words
  • Cite your sources
  • Include visuals, such as a headshot, book cover, or other appropriate images
  • Provide social media links
  • Submit in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx)
You Need to Know:
  • Article submissions do not receive monetary compensation.
  • Julie reserves the right to edit your headlines, body copy, and any other article content.
  • Once you submit your article, it becomes the property of Julie Tetel Andresen.
  • We publish articles on the blog every Tuesday and Friday. Our average time to review an article submission is between 5-7 business days. You’ll be notified by email if your article is accepted. We try our best to respond but cannot give feedback on every article submission.
  • We are happy to provide backlinks to our website and social media, but reserve the right to mark them as ‘nofollow’ at our discretion.


Contact Us

Please fill out the form below if you would like to have your article featured on Julie's website.