Happy Thanksgiving 2017

by | November 23, 2017 |

I’m thankful for friends and family around the world:

My older son, Francis, and his beautiful wife, Jennifer, and their precious son Henry in Charlotte, North Carolina:

My younger son, Gerard, and his wonderful girlfriend, Rimi, in Nishinomiya, Japan:

My sister, Carol, and brother-in-law Phil in Carmel Valley, California:

Uh … almost. Carmel Valley is to the north of Simi Valley; and their family in Mill Valley, California and Austin, Texas: Julia and Tim and Maxine and Doyle; Phillip and Heather and Henry and Graham and Cal.

I can’t forget my friends in Orlando, Florida: Gail and Mary and Bob, Linda, Danielle, Karen and Bob, Carlita, Raymer and the folks at Central Care Mission:

Dear friends in Bucharest, Romania: Delia and Bodgan and Viorica, Camelia and Stela and Ioan and Victor, Ruxie and Victor and Codrin, Ilinca and Adina and Cristina and Matilda, Persi and Sorin, Daniela and Cecile and so many others:

At Duke in Durham, North Carolina: I’m blessed to have dear friends and colleagues in my life: Kristine and Priscilla and Joe and Nathaniel and Evan; Edna and Dominika and Gareth and Hae-Young; Maryska and Nancy, and all the colleagues I’ve known for decades.

This view has been a part of my life for many years.

And a special shout-out to a high school friend from Glenview, Illinois I’ve reconnected with. Hi, Steve!

Good old GBS. We’re due for a reunion in the spring.

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This post was written by Julie Tetel Andresen

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