by Julie Tetel Andresen |
January 24, 2017 |
The Inauguration was on January 20. The Women’s March was January 21. What’s left when all the ceremonies, speeches and marches are over? Here’s what I saw on this wet and atmospheric Sunday morning:

The Capitol – with port-a-potties

The Smithsonian – with port-a-potties

The Washington Monument – with port-a-potties

Someone has to take them away

The Washington Monument with barricades

The Lincoln Memorial with barricades

More barricades to be packed off – The Mall, National Gallery of Art in the background

Debris on The Mall

A dumpster in the back of the National Gallery of Art, Constitution Avenue

A trashcan in full flower on Louisiana Avenue

A bleacher to be taken down – Pennsylvania Avenue looking toward the Capitol

Signs to be taken down – The Capitol

Signs to be taken down – around town

Signs on The Ellipse to be cleaned up – Herbert C. Hoover Federal Building in the background

The Ellipse with White House

More signs to be swept up

My kind of sign, a linguist’s dream: Vietnamese (Roman alphabet) and what looks like Thai or Lao.
Let the clean up begin.
Categorised in: Adventure, North America
This post was written by Julie Tetel Andresen
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