President Price’s Inauguration

by | October 6, 2017 |

West Campus, Abele Quad, sets up for the inauguration. Image Credit: Duke Chronicle

Yesterday – Thursday, October 5 – the new president of Duke University, Vincent Price, was inaugurated in a ceremony on Abele Quad in front of Duke Chapel.

Vincent Price, Duke’s 10th President

President Price came to Duke from the University of Pennsylvania where he had been Provost since 2009. Before that he was Chair of the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Michigan. He is the author of Public Opinion (1992).

I was aware we were inaugurating a new president this week – I am able to keep up that much! But Wednesday evening when I left class on West Campus and took the bus to East Campus – the freshman campus – on my way home I was astounded to encounter … a carnival.

East Campus – Wednesday Evening

In celebration of the inauguration East Campus was turned into a big play ground. The bus stop was closed because it had been taken over by a Ferris wheel and other rides.

Also at the bus stop was a whirligig:

In addition there was what I call a Gravitron and what the posted sign called Round-Up “The World’s Most Xciting Ride!”

Here’s another view of it:

I can confirm that when the spinning wheel started to tilt, the squeals were loud and continuous. The riders were obviously having a ball.

Moving further into campus, the Blue Devil was roaming:

In the circle between Lily Library and the East Campus Union a big ol’ barbecue pit was smoking:

The Union is to the right. Baldwin Auditorium is in background.

More food:

This stand is set up in front of Giles Dorm.

Cheesecake for dessert:

And lemonade stands dotted the landscape. (Only lemonade – hey, they’re freshmen!)

Inflatable toys were everywhere:

I have no idea what you’re supposed to do on this slide-like thing

And, of course, live entertainment:

The event was dubbed Price Palooza:

The students could screen T-shirts with the image of Price.

West Campus – Thursday afternoon

The inauguration was a far more august occasion, as presidential inaugurals are.

Great overview of the seats that are about to fill up on Abele Quad:

The statue is of James B. Duke. His back is to the Chapel. He’s facing Chapel Drive.

The president gives his address:

All due pomp and circumstance is on display as the ceremony ends:

Professor Donald Taylor, Pubic Policy, is holding a rather medieval-looking 8-pound sterling university mace.

Then the afterparty in the Brodhead Center – what used to be called the West Campus Union.

Richard Brodhead, after whom the center is named, is President Price’s immediate predecessor.

I didn’t go to the party. Instead I met a friend for dinner downtown at Nanasteak. It’s another fantastic new restaurant in town. We were both delighted with the meal, the service and the atmosphere.

Here’s the view of downtown from the bar. On a Thursday evening downtown was hopping. Durham is amazing!

Final words:


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This post was written by Julie Tetel Andresen

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